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In The Mundane

Writer: Crystal AndersonCrystal Anderson

As moms we feel like we do the same thing every day. We wake the kiddos up and get them ready, we constantly pick up after them...all day...constantly putting food on the table, and by dinner time, well, we are exhausted. But wait, we have baths to give, and we tuck them in, read them a story and then prayers are done.

And All of This Seems So Mundane

Day after day, always the same...much like the movie Groundhog Day! But what if we had a different perspective on the "mundane" of motherhood? Because guess what? God is working in all of it.

Gloria Furman

I was listening to the Revive Our Hearts podcast months back and the guest was Gloria Furman. She is a missionary along with her husband and 4 kids. Her perspective was so spot on.

She said, "Motherhood is mundane work." She then continued:
"When we look at all of those things in light of who Christ is and His gospel, we see that its all worship, its not about us. And we know instinctively when we make our motherhood about us we become competitive, cynical, bitter and then ultimately inconvenienced. Uh! These life-image bearers everywhere. Ugg...image bearers. Instead of like...this is a privilege an awesome privilege, that God has sustained life and He is currently asking us to give it back to Him in worship."
"So how do we help this grumbling attitude of ours?" She continues:
"This laundry exists because God has given life. It helps my heart with the grumbling when I see the results of life."

Opportunities and Not an Inconvenience

Sweet Mama's of little ones, smile in the midst of the mundane, sing softly when patiently waiting on that precious baby to finish nursing. Pray over them when they are outside playing or messing up the playroom. These are all opportunities to remember that being a Mama is a beautiful opportunity to bring glory to Jesus Christ.

Check out Gloria's website and book

Missional Motherhood@

10-10-22 What is Your Top Priority

Happy Mother's Day





May 16, 2023

Love this perspective, seeing these mundane tasks as my worship. ♥️♥️


May 14, 2023

Well done Crystal! Love your blog. Happy Mothers Day to you also!

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